I’m Like the Samaritan Woman With Strategies

I’m Like the Samaritan Woman With Strategies

I’m just like the Samaritan Woman with honed defensive strategies. My primary defensive emotional and verbal response is anger and blaming another. Or pointing out that person’s inadequacies. In all the times I’d studied the Samaritan Woman,...
We Forget Mary Faced Mortal Danger

We Forget Mary Faced Mortal Danger

Put yourself for just a moment into the thinking and feeling of teenaged Mary. Forget we know everything turns out all right. Forget she becomes respected. Forget she has the privilege of birthing and loving the human Son of God. Forget she is protected by God through...

What Does Holiness Feel Like?

Have you ever wondered what holiness feels like? Malachi 4:2 expresses what God might like us to experience when we see the fruits of holiness that he is producing in our lives: “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its...