I took my neighbor’s 3-year-old daughter to our community pool. Of course, the cement around the pool was very hot. Her mommy had sent shoes appropriate to wear in the water but of course Hannah didn’t want to wear them. So every time she got out of the pool, she jumped around as I urged her, “Put on your shoes while you’re on the cement.” But oh, she didn’t want to wear shoes! So she jumped around and ran quickly back to the safety of the water. Indeed, she was even willing to put up with a little bit of discomfort and pain in order to do it her way.

As I almost laughed at her determination, I saw myself. “God, I’ll do it my way. I know you said to depend upon you while walking in hot circumstances, but it’s really not that hot and I’m only a little uncomfortable and hey, what’s some pain? It seems worth it to do it my way. I’m really not so sure you’ll provide for me the way I need.”

Unfortunately, God has to dial up the heat and pain sometimes so that I’ll depend upon Him– which is really best for me. My feet are burning, are yours?