(Photo by Mark C. Miller)

My four-year-old grandson, Raphael, is attacking the water sprinklers with his blue Star Wars Lightsaber. When I saw this photo taken by our son I related to Raffi. See how he is bravely jutting forth the Lightsaber but also backing away at the same time, not wanting to get wet?

That’s how I feel about risk. I don’t risk well. I don’t risk easily. I don’t like risking. Can you tell I don’t like risking? I may step out to risk but my body language and my heart are trying to back away at the same time. I don’t want to get wet from rejection, confrontation, or crisis. It takes all my courage to do something risky like do something that might hurt someone’s feelings, because then they won’t like me. Or step out in faith to speak about Jesus, because if he/she doesn’t accept what I say, I feel foolish. Did I mention I don’t like risking?

I’ve been reading Risk by Kenny Luck. Even though it’s a part of a men’s series, I knew I needed to read it because I don’t like risk. (I guess I don’t need to say that again. Sorry.) It has prompted me to think more about risk and two different times since I started reading it, I have done something that felt like risk to me. I asked the Lord to empower me and He did. I won’t say what they were because it might embarrass some other people and they might not like me. Oh, sorry. But at least I made the decision and followed through.

Maybe you can relate. Maybe you feel inside like Raffi looks as he attacks the sprinklers and yet doesn’t want to get wet. Maybe what God is asking of you feels too dangerous. Or someone’s possible rejection is too threatening. Could you fear appearing foolish or silly or stupid?

I can relate. Yet if I truly believe God intends everything for my good and His glory; in fact, if He intends everything for my holiness, then I can view risk as a step in faith that will draw me closer to Him. I may get wet but my heart will be warmed by His joy in my obedience.

How about you? What would you like to risk? It’s worth it if God is inviting you into risking for His sake.