Lately I’ve been fascinated as I’ve studied the questions God asks in the Scriptures. Considering that God knows everything, it’s interesting that He asked any questions at all. After all, He knows the intentions of every heart. So why did He ask questions and what can we learn from them? Every once in a while here on my blog, I’ll look at a question God asked and see what we can learn from it.

God’s first recorded question occurred after Adam and Eve sinned. They were hiding and God knew where they were. Yet, He asked, Where are you?(Genesis 3:9). A friend of mine wondered if that question wasn’t only about their “physical locationbut about thelocationof their heart and thinking.

What was He wanting to hear from Adam? It seems pretty obvious that God wanted Adam to ‘fess up. He wanted him to get in touch with his rebellion. To acknowledge it, repent and come back into fellowship with God.

What Adam did say was that he was afraid and hiding. Then God asks another question: “And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”(verse 11).

Two more questions! God knows the answers to His questions but He asks them anyway. He shows He hears Adam. He refers to what Adam said. That might not seem like a big deal but when we’re talking with someone and especially when we’re ministering to others, it’s so easy to not really listen to what the other person said. We could be so focused on what we’re going to say next that we miss what the person is saying. Or we make quick conclusions without really getting the information we need. God shows He really heard Adam.

Have you ever experienced God asking you, “Where are you?”? Maybe you were angry and He nudged you inquiring, “Where is your heart at? I can be trusted to bring justice.”

Maybe you were feeling distant from Him and He asked, “Where are you?” indicating He is inviting you back to fellowship.

God is caring and concerned. He knows the answers but He invites you and I into the conversation. God doesn’t just “tell,” He asks.

All this conversation shows how important it is for us to confess, repent and be cleansed as I John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness” (NASB). That’s what God is looking for in His third question: “Have you eaten…?

It also indicates God’s desire to interact with us.

God’s second question, “Who told you…” is important for ministering to others who are looking to draw closer to God. They may have an unbiblical or mistaken perception. You could use this question to ask:

  • Who told you you are not lovable?
  • Who told you God isn’t trustworthy?
  • Who told you anger is effective?

We don’t even know we’re believing a lie until we face it. Sometimes it helps to eradicate the lie by unearthing how we first began cooperating with Satan’s spin factory. Ultimately, Satan is the source of every lie; he just may use other people to plant the seed of distrust in God. Satan had planted that lie in Adam and Eve’s hearts and God asks “Who told you?” Another way to phrase it is “Where did that idea come from?”

What is God asking you today?

  • Where are you? Where is your heart?
  • Who told you (or where did you get the idea) that…?
  • Did you….?

What is God asking you and what is your answer? He knows the answer but wants you to talk to Him anyway because He loves you and cares about you.