I’m very excited that my book Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries will be re-released on October 31st. My goal in that book is to help women (and men!) trust God more by worrying less. 

As I thanked the Lord this morning about that blessing, for some reason my mind went in a different direction than I’d ever thought of. I saw how worry and fear influenced people of the Bible more than we might think. The Word doesn’t use the words “they were worried” but I could see how fear had turned to worry and motivated their reactions. Let’s look at a few and see what you think. Or maybe I’m off base.

Eve was worried that she wouldn’t get all that she needed and deserved. Satan used the hook that God was withholding something she needed. Agreeing with that thought prompted fear which prompted worry which prompted eating the forbidden fruit. (Genesis 3).

Abraham and Sarah were worried that God’s promise of a son wouldn’t be fulfilled and they made sure it was fulfilled through Abraham’s liaison with Hagar. (Genesis 16).

The Disciples were worried about the criticism of the Pharisees and tried to get Jesus to act in a different way. (Matthew 15).

Peter was worried that the plan of Israel’s rescue through a human king would be spoiled when Jesus talked about His own death. Therefore, he told Jesus He shouldn’t think that way. (Matthew 16).

Others, though, resisted worry by trusting God.

David could have worried that God’s plan for his own kingship would never happen and give in to the suggestion he kill Saul. Instead, he trusted God’s timing. 

Job could have worried that his troubles would destroy him. Instead, he trusted God’s plan.

Joseph could have worried that his brothers would get away with their injustice toward him. Instead he trusted God’s goodness and justice.

These are the obvious ones. Can you think of others? 

It’s a good reminder that worry is such a subtle thing that we don’t always recognize it or we call it by other names. “I’m just mulling over this.” Or “I’m making plans.” Or “I have to prevent something bad from happening.”

Those aren’t necessarily worry but consider: how long have you been mulling this over? Why haven’t you finalized the plan while asking for God’s guidance? Has your prevention plan left out God and relaxing in whatever He decides?

I picked the photo above because it represents to me the two choices we have: is she worried or is she praying? You and I have the same two options. 

Am I off-base?