My precious Princess and Daughter:
I am in control. I am sovereign. I am able to make things happen the way I want. Yes, I do allow you to make your own choices. And I know you dont fully understand how these concepts can operate side by side. But Im able to work within and around the choices you make to cause my ultimate purposes to succeed. For this, you must trust me. Ask me about your choices and plans. My wisdom is yours if youll ask.
Just look at my Sons death and resurrection. His enemies thought they were acting on their own. Yet, while their choices revealed who they truly were, I made sure my words given to my prophets came true.
I want you to cooperate with my plans. When the people around you reject my leading, be assured, I am still in control. I will fulfill my plan. At times, Ill ask you to help me influence their lives, but dont take responsibility for them. Their choices are their own, but Im still in control. Trust me. Ill use all things for your good.


Your heavenly Father, the King

This “Letter from God” is from my revised and expanded Choices of the Heart women’s Bible study. It’s for small group and individual study containing 10 Lessons contrasting two Biblical women in each lesson. Check it out: