by Kathy Collard Miller | Nov 3, 2017 | Bible reading, book drawing, church, God's heart, guidance, honorable calling, knowing and understanding God, spiritual gifts, studying Bible
It’s Book Give-away time for this month and I’m so very happy to welcome author and speaker Erica Wiggenhorn. She blesses me through everything she does and her latest book is powerful. The Unexplainable Church: Reigniting the Mission of the Early...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Nov 1, 2017 | belief, beliefs, compassion, compliments, contentment, faith, faithfulness, fear of man, God's heart, God's love, humility, kindness, pride, procrastination, Trust
A lot of us think humility means debasing ourselves, but being humble actually means acknowledging what God has done in our lives. The Greek word for humility originally was used by writers to communicate something negative: “groveling” or “abject.” But the Apostle...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Oct 27, 2017 | adultery, Larry, love, marriage, rejection, relationships, thanksgiving
I didn’t realize I went into marriage believing Larry should read my mind. I just thought it should be obvious what I was thinking. After all, if I did something, I obviously was communicating something clear. So I filtered what my new husband did through my...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Oct 22, 2017 | abiding, abuse, anxiety, fear of man, knowing and understanding God, regrets, rejection, why do I do what I do
Rejection hits like an atom bomb in our soul. Personal rejection can be described as someone refusing to accept what we offer or they believing something bad about us. We feel attacked and misunderstood. Recently I felt sick in the depths of my stomach and my soul...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Oct 17, 2017 | anger, contentment, demands, depression, encouragement, faithfulness, hopelessness, peace, relationships, Trust
Have you ever thought, “If only I didn’t have these problems, I could be the peaceful person God wants me to be”? Or “If only people would cooperate, I could have contentment and peace”? At times we believe contentment is based upon diminishing,...