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Taking a Vacation from the Lord?

I'll confess! I have trouble choosing to spend private time with the Lord while on vacation. I especially hate to confess that it actually feels like a vacation is also a vacation from the Lord. Of course, I'm aware of Him and still think and turn to Him during the...

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In Pain, But It’s For the Team

Last evening, a football player was interviewed after his winning game and admitted that he was hurt and in pain from an injury. They played a piece showing him running and he commented, "Yeah, I was running at...

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How to Make a Memorial Service Available throughout the World

In my last post, I told how I had the privilege of speaking at Jenny's memorial service.A special opportunity was used by the family for making the service available on the internet. It's called Memorial Webcasts. Memorial Webcasts both make the event available on the...

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What Will They Say About You at Your Memorial?

Two posts ago, I talked about my friend, Jenny, joining Jesus in heaven. Yesterday, I gave a five minute talk about her at her memorial. Working on the talk made me think about what I would want said about me at my memorial. I think that's a good exercise in asking...

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Whatever Your Age, You are Usable

Tears filled my eyes on Sunday morning as one of our church members gave the sermon. Larry is a retired pastor, having served God for many decades. His love for God shone through. His love for the Word of God was in every word he spoke.His points and depth weren't...

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My Friend is Enjoying Heaven

Larry and I visited our friend, Jenny, a week ago Monday and we knew her time on earth was short. For five years she had courageously battled cancer and now the Lord was calling her home. Morphine eased her pain but also made it difficult for her to open her eyes. She...

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Watch Out for That Yellow Light!

The other day, my friend ran a red light and will end up paying about $1,000 between the ticket and driving school. Ouch!It was a wake up call for me. I find myself getting sloppy and trying to edge through the later part of yellow lights. So far, so good, but my...

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think!

Something to think about:Catherine Hart Weber, PhD, writes, "Don't believe everything you think. Learn to question your thoughts, considering alternative, often more realistic, positive ways of thinking and viewing life situations." (From Flourish: Discover the Daily...

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“I’ll Never Be Like Her!”

Have you ever found yourself saying something like, "I'll never be like her" or "I always want to be like him!"? I'm sure we all have and it seems like a really good thing to focus on avoiding the mistakes of some and emulating the good points of others. Even the...

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What Does it Take to be a Good and Faithful Servant?

We all know the verse, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." We lump it together and forget that Jesus could have used other words to describe what He was commending. In fact, if we as Americans were to commend someone, the words would be more like:"Well done,...

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Should the “World” Go to Church?

Read these intriguing thoughts from Bill Hull, in his book Christlike: The Pursuit of Uncomplicated Obedience:"Pastors commonly teach that all God's activity on this earth is mediated through the local church. This has led to the teaching that the highest priority for...

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Book Winner AND “Go Steal a Donkey”

TA-DA! The winner of the drawing for Carol Kent's Between a Rock and a Grace Place is Crissie Schofield. Congratulations to you, Crissie. And thank you to the others who put their name in the hat. Crissie, I know Carol's book will be a blessing for you!For today's...

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Book Give Away for Carol Kent’s New Book!

Book Give Away for Carol Kent’s New Book!

(Read how you can win a free copy of this book).Carol Kent's book, Between a Rock and a Grace Place, is a powerful book of God's healing work. It speaks of God's tremendous grace in the midst of her family's agony in having her son, Jason Paul, in a maximum security...

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Knowing Christ for Over 40 Years

Last month I celebrated my 43rd anniversary of becoming a Christian. In the beginning, I had some wrong ideas about the Christian life, like: I'll become perfect. I thought I'd become a Christian so that God could make me instantly perfect. But then I learned...

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Heart Surgery

"Kath, it sure is sad that we can't remember what we've read in all these books."Larry and I were commiserating with each other as we looked at the piles of books we'd read in preparation for writing our next book. Only knowing we had done lots of underlining gave us...

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Obedience Has Its Rewards & BOOK WINNER

WINNER of Unsqueezed by Margot Starbuck: (DRUM ROLL): Jeannette Wilcox! Congratulations, Jeannette.And thank you, everyone, who participated. If you'd like to buy a copy of Unsqueezed, go to Buy UnsqueezedAlso, check out Margot's website.And now, here's my blog post...

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Book Give-Away of UnSqueezed: Margot Starbuck’s new book

Book Give-Away of UnSqueezed: Margot Starbuck’s new book

Great news: I will be giving away a free copy of Unsqueezed. Read more how you could win!Just imagine for a moment what it would be like to be more concerned about reaching out in love to someone rather than wondering what they think of you. Just imagine for a moment...

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Why Is Receiving Christ Embarrassing?

Our pastor gave a marvelous salvation message on Sunday and when he closed he encouraged any who didn't know Jesus to receive Him as Savior. Then he said, "I don't want to embarrass anyone, so be sure to talk with me after the service." The word "embarrass" really hit...

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