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Update and Expanded from Yesterday
HERE'S AN UPDATED AND EXPANDED VERSION OF YESTERDAY:Someone has said that if you know how to worry, you know how to meditate. Both are mental methods of rehearsing something--either fearful (worry) or good (meditation).As I've been studying Micah and other minor...
Keep Rehearsing What God Has Done
Someone has said that if you know how to worry, you know how to meditate. Both are mental methods of rehearsing something--either fearful (worry) or good (meditation).As I've been studying Micah and other minor prophets (and throughout the Bible), I'm amazed at how...
Who’s Your Authority?
I just found a little nugget in Micah 4:5: "Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god, as for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever" (NASB).The Net Bible uses the word "follow" for "walk" but then gives this explanation:...
Mutiny at Day Care
Monday through Friday, we take Audrey to day care for seniors for about six hours. It's a nice break for us and gives her the stimulation she needs. Yesterday, I arrived to pick her up and one of the seniors named Viola was standing in the door with her walker...
Only Good Things From God
(Be sure to read this all the way through so I'm not misunderstood.)Several weeks ago, as we prepared for daughter Darcy and 22-month-old grandson Raphael to arrive, we laid out on the floor all the knives we could find and put ant poisoning in a dish for dinner,...
Smile With Me….
I was studying Micah 2 and trying to make sense out of it with my commentary. Then I saw an application for our (hopefully) future book and I wrote in a file for that book (on the topic of "sin management):"Sin Management comes from not fully facing sin and taking...
When to Carry Other’s Burdens
Today, I'm finishing up reading Galatians for 30 times (stretched over 6 weeks) and I love to be reminded of the truth of Galatians 6:2,5:"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ...for each one should carry his own load" (NIV).At...
Prayer or “Good Thoughts”?
I've been praying for the safety of Captain Phillips who was kidnapped by the pirates off the coast of Somalia. And I've been praying for him and his family will come to know Jesus. As the sister-in-law of Captain Phillips was interviewed on television, she asked that...
The Offense of the Cross
In Galatians, Paul is dealing with his "children in the faith" being drawn away to believe that they must be circumcised and follow the Jewish ceremonial laws and regulations. He is trying to persuade them that only faith in Jesus through the cross is important and...
“Walk This Way”
If you're a fan of the movie, "Young Frankenstein," you'll recognize the phrase "Walk this way." The hunch backed servant tells Dr. Frankenstein as he arrives, "walk this way," as he is hunched over and walks down the steps with a limp. And the good doctor does--walks...
Audrey “Funny”
For those new to my blog, Larry, my husband, and I are caregivers for his 92-year-old mother, Audrey. She'll be 93 next month--May 7th. She has Lewy Body Dementia which comes with paranoia, delusions and hallucinations. As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, one of her...
God Will Not Forget
After dinner as I was reading a friend's ministry newsletter, I noticed the verse she'd put on top of it: "God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them" Hebrews 6:10. It...
Evangelism Insight
I was talking on the phone recently to a friend who used to live in our area but moved away. Now we rarely chat but when we do, I enjoy her company. This time, she was raving about her neighborhood friend who seems so "spiritual." They were having a garage sale and...
Sci Fi continued…
Last time I commented on an article and I appreciated this article because it was a little warning about something that seems very innocuous but could be dangerous. I love certain kinds of science fiction but certainly I'm not an expert on books, but I do enjoy movie...
Myths and Science Fiction
In the Feb. 2009 issue of Christianity Today, there's a fascinating article entitled, "Sci-Fi's Brave New World: How the genre draws us to its own views of redemption" by James A. Herrick. Since I like science fiction (things like Star Trek and Star Wars), I was very...
Keeping Unity in the Body of Christ
In studying Galatians 2, I found several ways to keep unity and encouragement in the church.1. verse 1: Paul takes Barnabas and Titus along with him. He mentors them by including them.2. verse 2: Paul submitted himself for analysis by the Jerusalem leaders to make...
“Lord, Don’t You Care?”
The disciples were being blown off the lake--actually, they were afraid they wouldn't be blown to shore but that they would die when their boat capsized. The storm must have been the worst they'd ever experienced because these experienced and hardened fishermen were...
Pleasing People vs. Slave to Christ
After spending most likely what was 7-8 months studying Isaiah, I'm now studying Galatians. I was sad to leave Isaiah. Such richness and wonderful insights even though it was in the Old Testament. Now, I'm sure Galatians will offer wonderful insights also.First, I'm...