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This Too Will Pass–Maybe A Strategy?

I thought, "I wonder how much longer Audrey is going to live. I think if I knew I could be more patient."OUCH! It suddenly hit me what was happening. I'm thinking I could be more patient because I would be gritting my teeth, just waiting for the trial to end. That's...

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When An Enemy Threatens

My perfectionism has gotten the better of me. I haven't blogged because I kept expecting that I would take the time to find a quote from that book--like I mentioned in my last blog. Well, that hasn't happened but I've decided to reject my perfectionism--which says I...

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Mustering up a Good Attitude

I haven't had as godly attitudes these past couple of days. Care giving has gotten to me. And this morning as I felt more surrendered, I realized that when I get like "that," and try to move out of it, I'm not throwing myself at Jesus' feet, I'm just trying to muster...

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Growing in Compassion

I'm learning that one way to grow in compassion is to walk in another's person's shoes--no big new revelation, I realize, but I thought I'd share what's that has meant lately.Audrey is maybe the slowest eater on earth. She realizes it and jokes about it, and...

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A Kindness Remembered

I was watching an old movie this morning that had Bob Cummings acting in it and I remembered that as a little girl, maybe 10 or 11, I was with my family at a Dodgers game and we saw Bob Cummings. I don't know if he was at that time doing his "Love That Bob" television...

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Praying by Prompts

This morning as I walked past our neighbor's home, I started praying for them. They are Christians and facing some difficulties. Then I saw my other neighbor's American flag out front and that reminded me to pray for our country. Then as I reached home, I saw the...

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“Burnt” Assumptions Are Not Good

A few posts back, I wrote about my family telling me that my pancakes were burned. Last week I cooked some cookies and consciously made an effort to retrain my eyes to see the cookies different. What I had previously just called "browned," I began to see, were...

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Mirror Her Concern

I was taking my shower this morning and thinking of Audrey and her continual comment "that has never happened before." She says that about her hearing aids hurting, hair growing on her chin, legs walking weakly, waking up in the middle of the night, waking up...

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Email Prayer or Instant Message with God?

In my current issue of Discipleship Journal (July/August 08), the Editor Connie Willems writes, "God's continual presence with me through His Holy Spirit means that instead of treating prayer as a message to a distant deity, I'm invited to meet with a near God in...

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The Tooth Got Pulled

Is 30:18 "The LORD God is waiting to show how kind he is and to have pity on you. The LORD always does right; he blesses those who trust him." Contemporary English VersionIf you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember that several months ago I went in for...

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Acts and Ways

Darcy and I were talking about Psalm 103 and it reminded me of one of my favorite verses in that chapter, verse 7: "He made known His ways to Moses; His acts to the sons of Israel."When I first studied that verse, I thought, "what is the difference between ways and...

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Coming to a Stranger’s Aid

As my family was at the beach house again, I was reminded of something that happened two years ago when we were there before. We were walking back from lunch and a man was staggering down the sidewalk, even grabbing onto a light pole, a little distance in back of us....

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Isn’t He Darling?

Isn’t He Darling?

On our recent vacation, we all enjoyed 1 year old Raphael. Here is Raphael with his mom/my daughter, Darcy.

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That’s Burnt?

While we were on vacation with my extended family, I cooked pancakes for everyone and was shocked when my brother-in-law, Stan, came into the kitchen and said, "Those pancakes are burnt!"I replied, "Those aren't burnt!"But everyone standing around said, "Yes, Kathy,...

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Vacation Break

Starting today, I'll be on vacation. Please come back and visit my blog after July 4th. God bless America!

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That Old 60’s Music–What Did It Do To Us?

OK, another confession. I love to listen to 60's music because...I grew up then! But many times I've really paid attention to the music and today again I was struck by the messages we heard over and over again. You have to wonder what ideas we then-kids incorporated...

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38 Years Together!

Today is Larry and my 38th wedding anniversary. Well, at least it'll be official tonight at 7:20pm.We are rejoicing and praising the Lord for His faithfulness over many years. It has taken perseverance but oh, it has been so worth it. When I think of the big HUGE!...

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“Love Me Most!”

First I have to say, I should be embarrassed to admit this but it's true: I watched the first episode of the reality show, "She's Got the Look." It's about women over 35 being in a competition for becoming a model. I confess, I wondered how I would do on that show.But...

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