Book Drawing! “Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World” by Kathi Macias

I think we all want to be selfless but it is a daunting thought. That’s why I’m excited to feature Kathi Macias’s book “Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World.” Continue reading to find out how to enter the random drawing. UPDATE: the drawing is closed. Congratulations to Terri, the winner of Kathi’s book.

The good news is God wants us to enjoy the abundant life that comes from selfless living. Kathi’s book will inspire and energize us to desire to obey God and believe He will give us His blessings.

Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World is a call to discipleship that goes beyond what we can accomplish in our own strength or abilities. It is a call to lay down all that we are and begin to walk in what God has purposed for us, depending entirely on His unlimited strength and ability.

Here’s an excerpt from “Beyond Me” to whet your appetite.

The Price of Love

by Kathi Macias

“But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”—Matthew 23:11–12

As December drew to a close and transitioned into the new year, I found myself spending more and more time alonewith God, seeking Him for clear direction for the coming year. When that direction came in the form of a seven-word admonition, it was not at all what I had expected, or hoped, to hear: Somebody has to set up the chairs.

The first time I heard it, I shook my head, scratched it, and shook it again. Why would God make such a statement,and what did it have to do with me? Surely I had misunderstood. My heart’s desire was to write and publish the words He had given me, to speak and teach about His great love and calling for our lives. But the more I tried to convince myself that I had imagined those words—somebody has to set up the chairs—the more I knew they had been given to me by the God who says what He means and means what He says.

So I went into the new year believing God wanted me to be content simply helping others with their books and…well, setting up chairs at meetings so others could speak and teach. Without too much resistance, I accepted that and movedahead—until something happened that caught my attention and clarified my focus.

My mother lived with us until she “graduated to heaven” in 2011. She was a strong Christian and was mentally alert, but her mobility in her last years was limited. She was unable to do things most of us do with ease: drive to a doctor’s appointment, go to the grocery store, change the sheets on her bed, stand at the stove to cook a meal. Being her primary caregiver sometimes became stressful and time-consuming, particularly when I was trying to work all that into an already busy schedule. One day as I rushed around the house, trying to get as much done as possible before running an errand for my mom—all the time wishing I could just sit down at my computer and get some much-needed work done—I caught myself grumbling. Actually I was feeling sorry for myself. And I didn’t like the sound of it one bit.

“I’m sorry, Lord,” I whispered. “Forgive me for being so selfish and impatient. It’s just that I want so much to be working right now.”

Somebody has to set up the chairs.

I was stunned. Is that what God had been trying to tell me earlier in the year—that I was in a season of service for my mother, someone who had spent many years of her own life taking care of me?

I felt myself relax as I began to understand God’s call to servanthood in my life—my personal call to live a you-firstlife in a me-first world. It wasn’t just about living selflessly so unbelievers would be drawn to Jesus. It was also about daily laying down my life, giving up the right to plan my days and order my steps, so that I could help others fulfill the needs of their day. It was about choosing to honor the sanctity of life, regardless of the personal costs, rather than selfishly guarding the quality and convenience of my life at the expense of others. And I realized that if I allowed a grumbling, complaining, me-first spirit to taint my service to others, including my mom, I was in danger of falling into the grip of the very culture of death I’d spent so much time writing and speaking against. I was on the verge of hardening my heart. Choose life!

God was calling me to a you-first season of “setting up chairs” for others, especially my dear mother, much as she once did for me. In a similar but much more profound way, Jesus did the same for all of us when He walked the lonely road to Calvary and willingly hung on that cross in payment for our sins, giving up His own earthly life so we might gain eternal life.

As I pondered the situation with my mother, the question before me was: would I humbly and graciously choose life and blessing . . . or death and curses? His way . . . or mine?

Somebody has to set up the chairs.

Thank you, Kathi!

I love Kathi’s hope-filled words. If God wants us to live more selfless lives, He will empower us just like He did Kathi. I trust you’ll want to purchase Kathi’s book and in the meantime, enter the drawing to win a copy of “Beyond Me,” by making a comment on this blog post. The drawing will end Tuesday evening, August 6, 2024. Only USA addresses can win. UPDATE: The drawing is closed. Congratulations to Terri–the winner of Kathi’s book!

To purchase Kathi’s book go to

Kathi Macias is an award-winning author of nearly 60 books. A popular speaker at writers’ conferences and women’s events, Kathi lives in Southern California with her husband, Al.

Connect with her at

Kathi’s book include both fiction and non-fiction. Click here for her amazon author page.