Great news: I will be giving away a free copy of Unsqueezed. Read more how you could win!
Just imagine for a moment what it would be like to be more concerned about reaching out in love to someone rather than wondering what they think of you. Just imagine for a moment what it would be like to not feel inadequate because you don’t wear the latest styles. Just imagine for a moment what it would be like to not feel horrible about adding two pounds. That is the world Margot Starbuck invites us into in her book, Unsqueezed: Springing free from skinny jeans, nose jobs, highlights and stilettos (IVP).
Yet, I’ll be honest. I put this book on my desk, intending to read it but kept avoiding it. I had recently bought skinny jeans, my hair sports highlights and I would love to wear stilettos if I weren’t so tall. As for the nose job, I finally grew into my too-big-nose. I instinctively knew Unsqueezed would squeeze my complacency and comfort zone and I didn’t want to be uncomfortable.
When I finally gathered the emotional energy to reading Margot Starbuck’s book, I was indeed challenged but I laughed all the way! Margot is a funny writer. A very funny writer. I’m not one to get easily humored by the written word. But Margot is truly funny…even as she punches you in the guts with truth and conviction.
Lest I scare you away though, Margot communicates a loving tone with a passion for drawing us closer to God’s loving heart. In fact, her book was spiritually deeper than I thought it would be. She calls us to a heart level of seeing how the things of this world do not satisfy and only finding our contentment in Christ will truly bring the satisfaction we desire. She does not hit you over the head; she beckons you to search whether thinking how to lose 30 pounds will make you more desirable. Or wearing the latest fashions will make you acceptable to others. She calls you to think about your heart, not just your body image.
And did I mention? You’ll laugh with joy as you consider how much God loves and accepts you unconditionally—expressed by Margot as only Margot can. Margot’s purpose is to motivate us to view our body, not as an object to be worshiped, but as an instrument of God’s love to others. That’s why she communicates reasonableness. She doesn’t say, “You’re wrong to want to lose 30 pounds.” She asks us to ask why it’s so important to us and will it help us love others well?
And to help you get the point while you’re smiling, she frequently includes a list of “Ten Best Things,” like: “Ten Lies Advertisers Want You to Believe,” “Stuff It Sort of Seems Like Bodies Were Made To Do,” and “Ten Ideas for Food Discipleship” amongst many other thought-provoking yet funny views of life.
One of the most endearing and encouraging themes of Unsqueezed is Margot’s wonderful ability to poke fun at herself. There’s no “looking down her nose” in this book. She exposes her own struggles and temptations of being “squeezed” by our culture, and her sometimes inadequate ability of resisting.
I am so glad I read Unsqueezed. I was affirmed to hold on to godly motivations I already had, challenged to repent of lies I’ve believed, and motivated to make changes that draw me closer to God’s loving heart. And I laughed and smiled through it all.
Would you like to win a free copy of Unsqueezed? If you will make any comment on my blog, I will put your name in the hat and draw a name to receive Margot Starbuck’s book. Please be sure to include your email address so that if your name is drawn, I can contact you for your mailing address. Last day to post a comment is Monday, Sept. 27th. I’ll draw the name Tuesday morning.
(Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from IVP as part of their blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”)
Would love to win! Thanks! [email protected]
I am looking for a good book to have as a devotional for youth girls. They need something with spiritual substance to give them self assurance and teach them the beauty that matters to God. Thanks! 🙂 [email protected]
Some are having trouble getting through with a comment and instead emailed me directly. I'll post those for them.
Dearest Kathy,
Forgive me but I have a time trying to get to you through technology. In other words I'm not so good at following instructions on my computer. I just want to say how much I love your blogs. I will never forget the day I received the Holy Spirit. My relatives shunned me, rejected me and talked about me just because I was wanting to have more of Jesus. Your writings have blessed me beyond belief.
Please never stop.
Love in Him,
Joan Clayton
Here's another comment from FB:
Jennifer Phillips commented on your link.
Jennifer wrote:
"I couldn't either but I wrote, "This book sounds affirming for women seeking to live a Godly life based on God's truths and not the world's lies. Thank you for your honest thoughts about Unsqueezed. It's a book I cana't wait to get my hands on."
Here's another:
Jeannette wrote:
"Kathy, I couldn't post through the blog, but here it is: No matter what the post, you are continually, gently nudging us into the truth of who we are as beautiful women. I appreciate you!"
Thank you for the review. I probably would not have picked up either, since I recently had my hair highlighted or was it low lights? Anyway…