by Kathy Collard Miller | Oct 22, 2017 | abiding, abuse, anxiety, fear of man, knowing and understanding God, regrets, rejection, why do I do what I do
Rejection hits like an atom bomb in our soul. Personal rejection can be described as someone refusing to accept what we offer or they believing something bad about us. We feel attacked and misunderstood. Recently I felt sick in the depths of my stomach and my soul...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Oct 8, 2017 | abiding, armor of God, faith, God's love, knowing and understanding God, Trust
We know Jesus says in John 15:7 “Abide in me, and I in you.” But sometimes abiding seems like the most vague biblical concept there is. What is abiding and how do I abide? Here are 4 ways to abide in Jesus and see a difference in your life. For over two years, I’ve...