Yes, Let’s Take the Mess With Us

Yes, Let’s Take the Mess With Us

I’m so excited to feature this guest post by Jenna Masters. I’ve shared her blog posts before because they always teach and touch me at a heart level. So enjoy and be encouraged. And visit Jenna at Bring Your Mess by Jenna Masters...
I Struggled with Out-of-Control Anger

I Struggled with Out-of-Control Anger

In 1977, I struggled with out-of-control anger to the point I was physically and verbally abusing my toddler daughter. I was a Christian, yet I believed God didn’t love me and had given up on me. I hated my husband, Larry, and had no hope. No More Anger: Hope...
I’m Like the Samaritan Woman With Strategies

I’m Like the Samaritan Woman With Strategies

I’m just like the Samaritan Woman with honed defensive strategies. My primary defensive emotional and verbal response is anger and blaming another. Or pointing out that person’s inadequacies. In all the times I’d studied the Samaritan Woman,...