by Kathy Collard Miller | Jul 2, 2019 | Bible reading, Bible study, fruit of the Spirit, God's heart, God's questions, obedience, thirst for God
Put yourself in the scene for a moment. You are sitting in a crowd looking at Jesus who in the manner of a rabbi is seated most likely on a large rock. He’s not standing. He has just said (Matthew 5:11,12), his followers should be glad when they are persecuted because...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Jun 25, 2019 | anger, anger management, Bible reading, Bible study, God's questions, guidance
I don’t like to not know. I don’t like to not have an answer or an opinion. Not knowing or not being able to reply makes me feel tense. And dare I say it? I feel stupid. What’s even sillier, is that I will give an opinion even though I’m not...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Jun 1, 2019 | Bible reading, Bible study, fear of man, friendships, Martha and Mary, relationships, studying Bible, women of the Bible
I had so much fun being interviewed by Cynthia Simmons at “Heart of the Matter Radio,” I wanted to share it with you. We talked about friendship and my new women’s Bible study “At the Heart of Friendship”. I talked about the different...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Mar 11, 2019 | Bible reading, quiet times, studying Bible, women of the Bible
Win Free Books–Online Party, Thursday, March 14th! I’m so excited to be a part of the Bible Study Expo party! Along with nine other Bible study authors, hosted by Marnie Swedberg, we are going to have lots of fun, activities, and free books! Register now:...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Feb 23, 2019 | anxiety, Bible reading, fear of man, God's heart, God's love, hope, women of the Bible
Jesus can be our first hope; not our last. This nameless biblical woman had no hope. During twelve long years, she had taken every possible step to become well. Her bloody discharge made her ceremonially unclean, unable to enter the temple and worship her God. Her...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Nov 29, 2018 | Bible reading, communication, family, Larry, marriage, people pleasing, sexiness, unconditional love
We are continuing seeing how Jesus wants to strengthen our marriages through the wisdom of the Parable of the Soils. This time we learn we need to learn to say no to others and yes to our husband for a beautiful bloom in our marriage. Jesus said, “Other seed...