The Secret To Loving Well–Isaiah-Style

The Secret To Loving Well–Isaiah-Style

Who would have thought that Isaiah learned what it means to love others well. The story of Isaiah’s encounter with a holy God speaks volumes of how God loves well and wants us to love well without expectation of a return. The story starts with Isaiah standing in the...
We Forget Mary Faced Mortal Danger

We Forget Mary Faced Mortal Danger

Put yourself for just a moment into the thinking and feeling of teenaged Mary. Forget we know everything turns out all right. Forget she becomes respected. Forget she has the privilege of birthing and loving the human Son of God. Forget she is protected by God through...
Book Giveaway: “Discovering Hope in the Psalms” by Pam Farrel

Book Giveaway: “Discovering Hope in the Psalms” by Pam Farrel

Happy Holi-DAZE! Wait! Isn’t it supposed to be Happy Holidays? Yes, that’s what it’s supposed to be but as we’re going to read, it’s often more like the Holi-DAZE that my guest author Pam Farrel is going to share with us. I’m so...
Book Give-Away! “The Unexplainable Church” by Erica Wiggenhorn

Book Give-Away! “The Unexplainable Church” by Erica Wiggenhorn

It’s Book Give-away time for this month and I’m so very happy to welcome author and speaker Erica Wiggenhorn. She blesses me through everything she does and her latest book is powerful. The Unexplainable Church: Reigniting the Mission of the Early...
Book-Giveaway! Debbie Wilson’s New Book: “Little Women, Big God”

Book-Giveaway! Debbie Wilson’s New Book: “Little Women, Big God”

It’s Book Giveaway time! I’m so pleased to feature a new book by Debbie Wilson entitled Little Women, Big God. Aren’t you glad even though we feel “little,” we have a big God? What comfort that brings. You could be the winner of her book....