by Kathy Collard Miller | Mar 6, 2018 | abuse, adultery, anger, anger management, Bible reading, deception, fear of man, god, God's heart, God's love, intimacy, marriage, Never Ever Be the Same, people pleasing, Pure-Hearted, women of the Bible
I’m just like the Samaritan Woman with honed defensive strategies. My primary defensive emotional and verbal response is anger and blaming another. Or pointing out that person’s inadequacies. In all the times I’d studied the Samaritan Woman,...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Nov 1, 2017 | belief, beliefs, compassion, compliments, contentment, faith, faithfulness, fear of man, God's heart, God's love, humility, kindness, pride, procrastination, Trust
A lot of us think humility means debasing ourselves, but being humble actually means acknowledging what God has done in our lives. The Greek word for humility originally was used by writers to communicate something negative: “groveling” or “abject.” But the Apostle...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Oct 22, 2017 | abiding, abuse, anxiety, fear of man, knowing and understanding God, regrets, rejection, why do I do what I do
Rejection hits like an atom bomb in our soul. Personal rejection can be described as someone refusing to accept what we offer or they believing something bad about us. We feel attacked and misunderstood. Recently I felt sick in the depths of my stomach and my soul...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Sep 19, 2017 | anxiety, fear, fear of man, lies, motives, procrastination, Trust
“Why does procrastination haunt me? I want to stop delaying but I keep putting things off.” Just the other day I figuratively shook myself by my lapels and asked, “Kathy, why do you let the dishes stack up? It looks so messy!” Why do I procrastinate? I had to be...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Sep 9, 2017 | anger management, beliefs, compassion, faith, fear of man, humility
And the winner of the drawing for Little Women; Big God by Debbie W. Wilson is… DRUM ROLL…Joy! Congratulations, Joy! I will give your information to Debbie and she will contact you. Thank you very much to everyone who participated. It might be an...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Jul 22, 2017 | fear, fear of man, God's heart, God's love, people pleasing, prayer, prayer for others, studying Bible, surrender, thirst for God
Fear can block us from praying out loud in a group. We fear being judged because we said something with the wrong words, or in the wrong way, or with too many words. These fears are usually because we don’t want others to think poorly of us. Fear takes the focus off...