Book Giveaway: “Letters From a Mother’s Heart” by Cathy Horning

Book Giveaway: “Letters From a Mother’s Heart” by Cathy Horning

I love to make book giveaways available and now I’m excited to share with you about Cathy Horning and her new book, Letters from a Mother’s Heart. And read below for winning a copy! Escaping The Trap Of Mom Guilt by Cathy Horning Twenty-one years ago, two...
Hear Your Fig Leaves Ripping?

Hear Your Fig Leaves Ripping?

Just like Adam and Eve, we try to dress ourselves with the spiritual fig leaves of performance. But hear them ripping? I tried to prevent my fig leaves from ripping by keeping track of my good deeds and bad deeds on an imaginary scale of justice. After all, I...
Yes, Let’s Take the Mess With Us

Yes, Let’s Take the Mess With Us

I’m so excited to feature this guest post by Jenna Masters. I’ve shared her blog posts before because they always teach and touch me at a heart level. So enjoy and be encouraged. And visit Jenna at Bring Your Mess by Jenna Masters...