Grateful Beggars

Out and about on errands, I suddenly craved a diet soda. I spied a hamburger fast-food restaurant and headed for it–when I also spied a homeless man sitting on a block wall holding a hand-printed sign. I couldn’t read the sign but immediately felt the...

“You’re Welcome”–God

I’m sorry that I won’t be posting as much but we’re staying with four-year-old grandson, Raphael “Raffi” (and his parents) for a month. Funny thing, but it’s hard to concentrate on much else when a darling little boy is begging,...

Gratitude for Our Military

I’ll never forget speaking with a woman at a conference and when she told me her husband was in the military, I said, “Thank you so much for serving our country.” She began to cry and whispered, “My husband is in a high position in the military...