by Kathy Collard Miller | Sep 5, 2013 | Letters from God, overwhelmed, prayer, sovereignty, Trust
Periodically, I’ll be sharing a “Letter from God” that was included in my “Daughters of the King Bible Study” series. The letter for today is from Whispers of My Heart on the subject of prayer. I hope it speaks to you. My Precious...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Aug 25, 2013 | church, obedience, salvation, Trust, truth
I don’t think I’d thought of this before, but Bill Clem in his book Disciple suggests we shouldn’t so much invite people to accept Christ as Savior but instead, invite them to follow Him as Savior and Lord. I think in our own minds when we share the...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Aug 19, 2013 | courage, faith, people pleasing, risk, Trust
Periodically, I’ll be sharing a “Letter from God” that was included in my “Daughters of the King Bible Study” series. The letter for today is from Shadows of Sovereignty where the story of Esther was examined. I hope it speaks to you. My...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Jul 17, 2013 | anger, assumptions, holiness, overwhelmed feelings, Trust, way of escape
TA-DA! The winners of the copies of Not Quite Healed by Cecil Murphy are Dawn and Joan. Congratulations! I look forward to vacations for many reasons, but one primary one is so that I can read novels. Most often, that’s the only time I read fiction. There are...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Apr 8, 2013 | anxiety, assumptions, beliefs, faith, hope, Trust, worry
We’re continuing our series examining the story of the death of Uzzah (2 Samuel 6). He tried to make sure the Ark didn’t fall off the oxcart and God struck him dead. (See the previous posts for more).Two of our initial points that R. C. Sproul brought out...
by Kathy Collard Miller | Apr 4, 2013 | anxiety, beliefs, faith, Trust, worry
(We’re continuing a series on the story of Uzzah. Click for the first installment here.)AND DRUM Roll! The winner of the drawing for a copy of Dear God! He’s Home! by Janet Thompson is….Lillian! Please send me your mailing address, Lillian, to...