In my current issue of Discipleship Journal (July/August 08), the Editor Connie Willems writes, “God’s continual presence with me through His Holy Spirit means that instead of treating prayer as a message to a distant deity, I’m invited to meet with a near God in intimate conversation.” She describes how she was praying for someone and God broke in, asking, “And would you like My input on any of this?” So she asked Him, and He directed her how to pray for that person through a passage of Scripture.
When I read her words, the words “email prayer” came to my mind. I realized that I often treat prayer like an email to God. Just as I know my email will reach my friend or family member at some point–when they check their email–I can think of prayer like that instead of actually talking to God as in an instant message–with someone on the other end ready to respond. And even more importantly, to guide me in praying according to His will. And even MORE importantly, have relationship with me in current, right now, immediate, right at this millisecond, imminent, actual time, simultaneous and synchronous.
God doesn’t have email! He’s not off doing something else and will get to his computer at some point. He’s not on vacation and has given Bruce Almighty the frustrating task of trying to answer all those prayer requests on his computer. (by the way, I love that movie!). Instead, it’s like when Bruce starts hearing the requests as they are being spoken. He doesn’t know what’s going on–but God does. He hears you and me right now saying, “help!” “help her!” “I need you” “I praise you!” “I’m desperate for you!” “I love and appreciate you!”
He just heard you! He just heard me!
I’m getting excited, can you tell? Thank you, Lord, that you are in the present! Can you hear Him?
Very hip analogy Mom!