Thursday, February 10, 2022

I won’t keep you in suspense. The Lord has given Larry and I direction and peace that I won’t choose to have any other treatments. 

After seeing two oncologist specialists this morning and last Thursday, we felt an affirmation in alignment with how God had been guiding us toward me not having any other treatments. We are so relieved and grateful this is God’s choice for me. The radiation oncologist said that if I forego treatment she gives me 85-90 percent this cancer won’t return and if I take the hormone inhibitor it only increases it to 95%. Of course, it doesn’t mean I can’t get breast cancer again, so I will continue to be examined by my surgeon every 6 months along with yearly mammograms.
As you can imagine, we are very very happy and relieved and thanking God for His will for us. We know God is in charge of our lives and would fulfill His perfect will with or without treatments. Whatever He wanted us to do we would do. Of course, I’m thrilled to now be able to say this journey is complete for what we know at this point. I’m grateful for the journey and the challenges which drew me closer to God and continued my sanctification and spiritual dependence on our wonderful God. Haven’t learned everything but praise God, He’s not finished with me yet.

Thank you for faithfully supporting us in this journey. I’ve felt very loved and cared for.

Final devotional thought

I was surprised when I initially heard that I would be seeing two oncologist specialists. Initially, I thought I would just see “an oncologist” and he or she would handle everything.

No, I saw two who were specialists in their area.

I thought, “I’m glad God doesn’t require different specialists. He is the one, magnificent, sufficient, omniscient, all-powerful, wise God who doesn’t need to consult with anyone. Yes, He does use humans for His work. His Body is equipped in different ways through the Holy Spirit’s spiritual gifts and talents. But He, Himself, never calls in someone else. I’m grateful He knows everything and always knows the right thing.”

Thank you again for walking this journey with me. I praise and thank God for you!

