In the turbulent times we live in, we could be tempted to think God is asleep on the throne. 
Our minds know there are no “coincidences” but our hearts begin to worry about the future.
When I wrote my book, Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries, I studied the book of Esther in preparation for writing the chapter on how knowing God’s power can eliminate our worry.
You most likely know Esther had a lot she could have worried about. She stood outside the king’s chamber and realized that within a few minutes she could be dead. That didn’t happen, of course. Her story is about how God used her, a young Jewish girl, to become Queen of Persia and Media and protect the Jewish people from extermination. The amazing thing is that God’s name is never mentioned, yet His fingerprints are all over this biblical book.
Here are just some of the ways God’s power over circumstances is shown in Esther’s story:
- Queen Vashti refuses to obey the King and she is displaced.
- The king is encouraged to find a new wife through a beauty contest.
- Mordecai sends his cousin, Esther, to the contest.
- Esther finds favor with the person in charge of the beauty contestants.
- The king chooses Esther as his new queen.
- Mordecai stops an assassination plot against the king, but the king doesn’t reward him.
- The enemy of the Jews, Haman, plots to have the Jews exterminated.
- Esther finds favor with the king to come unannounced into his presence.
- The king has insomnia and reads the book of records, “just happening” to turn to the page with the details of Mordecai reporting the plot, and realizes Mordecai was not rewarded.
- Haman appears at that very moment and is sent to give honor (the king’s reward) to Haman’s enemy, Mordecai.
- Esther plans two banquets and is seemingly attacked by Haman in front of the king.
- The king commands Haman’s death and gives Esther permission to have the Jews protect themselves when the citizens attack them.
Talk about espionage and suspense! God’s power is evident in so many ways. There were so many things that Esther could have worried about.
Of course the most famous line showing her victory over worry is, “Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maidens also will fast in the same way. And thus I will go in to the king, which is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16 NASB)
Esther submitted herself to God’s protection and care. We want to be just like Esther, and we can be! Even though the chaos in our country and our world seems out of control, we can be assured God is on the throne and is never worried.
As a part of every chapter in Partly Cloudy, I wrote out a “Letter from God” that seemed like it might represent God’s heart for us. Here is the letter from the chapter on God’s power. I pray it blesses and strengthens your heart.
My Precious Daughter:
I am powerful. Nothing makes Me worried. Nothing surprises Me. I know exactly what I’m planning. Though your thinking is limited, Mine is not. I can see everything and I know everything. Trust Me and My intentions for your good.
Nothing is too hard for Me! I know exactly all that I’m planning. I never stop midway. I fulfill all My plan. Know that I never stop before I’m finished.
Nothing is confusing to Me. I know exactly how I’m going to work. I have multiple choices, and I know the best way. You can believe I’ll use whatever method is best.
Nothing rushes Me. I know exactly the timing for what I have planned. I know it’s hard to wait, but waiting will build your faith and trust in Me. I don’t make you wait without a reason. Trust that I am in control of all the details.
Beloved, I can do anything. I everything I do in your life is meant to draw you closer to My loving heart. Draw close to Me. Rest in Me! My arms are open to you and I’m working on your behalf.
I love you,
Your Heavenly Father
What is the most important aspect for you of God’s power from the book of Esther? Can you think of any other “coincidences” from the story?
Click to find out more about Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries
Amen Ms. Kathy. “To die is gain.” God’s blessings ma’am.
Those are four words which wrap it up nicely, J.D. “To die is gain.” When we are all in heaven, the woes of life will no longer haunt us or disturb us. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
I love your book! Bought it a few years ago.
Thank you for all your teachings and wonderful writing!
Oh, thank you, Mona. That means so much and encourages me. I’m glad we are forever friends.
Hello Kathy I just statered reading partly cloudy with scattered worries and it is amazing I’ve learned that no matter what trials and stuff we go through we are not alone God is with us and loves us.
Noah, I”m so glad you are have found my book meaningful. I’m very encouraged. Thank you! God bless you and continue seeking the Lord. For all of us, it’s a life long spiritual journey. God bless you. And… if you like to do this kind of thing: could you write a review on Amazon? I’d really appreciate it.
Thanks Kathy! I love the story of Esther!
Thanks, Jen!