A few months ago, I met Shadia Hrichi at a women’s retreat and I was thrilled to hear of her powerful ministry to those who have had abortions. It’s called Beautiful Voice Ministries (www.beautifulvoice.org). She has written a book titled Nameless No More: A Journey of Healing After Abortion.
As you can tell from the title, her book tells her own story of how God healed her after she’d had an abortion at the age of 15. Of course, the healing came many years later but she shows how it affected her for those many years. And then tells how God healed her.
Shadia describes her reaction after her abortion, “I spent the next several years mastering how to keep Anamika’s memory hidden from the world–and from myself. Within my heart, I planted weeds of lies, guilt, and shame to choke out any life left in that little seed. Over time, the seed withered and hardened until eventually, its decay spread through my soul like cancer. By the time I reached adulthood, I had completely lost the ability to fully open my heart to anyone–even to myself.” (pgs. 55-56). Note: “Anamika means “nameless.”
Shadia quotes Jim Newhall, an abortionist, who said, “Not everybody is meant to be born. I believe, for a baby, life begins when his mother wants him.”
No wonder those in the abortion industry have convinced themselves that what they do is right. How I thank God that every child is important and designed by Him, known and wanted!!!!! Shadia also quotes God: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV).
Shadia’s book is only 70 pages and is a fast read. I think that’s useful because then even a teenager wouldn’t feel overwhelmed with reading it. It’s a powerful story of God’s mercy and healing. I recommend it highly. It can be used to help those we meet who are burdened by the guilt of abortion. We can also read it for ourselves to gather more compassion for those who were deceived to think they had no choice.
My heart was gladdened by reading Nameless No More. Shadia’s story and insights built my faith in our wonderful Savior who uses every struggle for good and His glory–even those in which we make unwise, even sinful choices. I’m confident your life will be impacted too and you’ll know that there is nothing God doesn’t want to use and that His loving forgiveness reaches every hidden corner of our lives.
You can order Shadia’s book at www.beautifulvoice.org. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and Masters Degree in Criminal Justice. She is an author, speaker, and the founder of Beautiful Voice Ministries. Shadia lives in San Jose, CA, and is available for speaking opportunities. Check out her blog at http://shadiahrichi.wordpress.com/.