We are looking again at Hebrews 13:5-6 and the truths it shares with us that lead us to greater gratitude:
I will not fear;
what can man do to me?”
God is our Helper but we believe the lie:
God isn’t my helper, therefore I must provide for myself. Financial challenges, a lack of answered prayer, and any number of obstacles can contribute to this lie.
I remember when we didn’t have any extra money and an unexpected expense hit us. We didn’t know where the money would come from. I prayed but didn’t really have much hope extra money could be found.
Our backyard brick fence backed up to a fairly major street and one day, I heard a crash. A car had run into our brick fence. Oh, great! How are going to deal with this? I wondered. It just seemed like an added burden not knowing if we were responsible for re-building the wall ourselves. Instead of God providing, He had just added to our problems.
But then Larry realized the man’s car insurance would pay for the rebuilding of the wall. We received an estimate and the insurance company sent us a check along with suggestions for who to contact for the work.
But our neighbor who did concrete work said, “Oh, I can rebuild that wall for much less.” Guess how much less? The exact amount that we owed for the unexpected expense. God had provided and helped us in an unusual way beyond our capability to help ourselves. (Tweet that!)
The next time your lack of gratitude is based in the lie God doesn’t help, remember the times He has helped you. If you have a story of His help, share it with us. I know my readers will be blessed by it.
In our next post on Hebrews 13:5-6, we will look at the third lie that can block gratitude and contentment.
This is really thought provoking for me, and it made me realize God is providing for me as I write this, in an area I had no control and could've been filled with fear. And that is similar to another time I think He had a hand in the whole situation. Too long to write, but I see God IS on the move. Thank you Kathy.
I so appreciate you sharing this, Shellie. I know it will be encouraging to others. We often don't see God's hand. He is always faithful but He doesn't always make it apparent. Thank you!