Teeth sharpen teeth…well, not exactly. 
But let me digress to explain.
Several years ago while getting my teeth cleaned, Katie, the hygienist, poked at a wisdom tooth and I almost jumped out of the chair. “Argh!!!! That hurt!”
Not only did I feel physical pain, I felt emotional pain. I was upset because after my dentist had filled that tooth six months earlier, I had been very, very careful brushing it and flossing regularly. I was determined to save that tooth. So why haven’t my efforts made a difference? It’s not fair.
Then my dentist came in and examined it. Another cavity had started and it was now cracked. It was time to pull it. My last wisdom tooth would be gone.
Did that mean I wouldn’t be as wise? My wise crack still didn’t soften the blow that my efforts hadn’t saved my tooth.
When I complained again, Katie mentioned, “This wisdom tooth is on the top and the other wisdom tooth that was supposed to be below it has been gone several years. As a result, it hasn’t been there to help loosen the food that adheres to it.”
I said something like, “Huh?” I’d never heard anything like that before.
She explained, “Yes, we don’t realize that God made our teeth to grind against each other not just to grind food but to loosen the soft foods adhering to the tooth. When you eat something hard like a carrot or apple, it pushes against the soft foods dislodging them. That helps to prevent cavities.”
I’d never heard of such a concept but it made sense. No wonder that poor little wisdom tooth was having trouble. It was all by itself back there trying to stay clean.
I couldn’t help seeing the obvious spiritual concept of the wisdom of Proverbs 27:17: “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”
I love how God can use His natural world to bring His wisdom into our lives. Thank you for sharing this lesson with us. God’s blessings ma’am.
J.D. thank you so much for commenting. As writers, you and I find almost everything of interest for spiritual ideas, especially in God’s natural world. I appreciate your support.
Oh, and I hope my readers will check out your website, JD. It’s http://www.jdwininger.com. I know they will be blessed.