I love making book giveaways available and this time, it’s a book that we all relate to at one time or another: “I Love the World–It’s the People I Can’t Stand“ by Dave Beckwith. 
The subtitle is “Jonah’s Journey of Brokenness and Yours.” We can definitely relate to that. This is a book about the biblical book of Jonah. Don’t we just love Jonah–or hate him? Sometimes we don’t want to be like him and sometimes we are chagrined when we are like him.
I’ve studied the book of Jonah in the past and I always find it fascinating. It’s real, vulnerable, and shows God’s persevering unconditional love, both for Jonah and the people Jonah preached to. Wouldn’t you love to win this book? You can. Read below for the details.
In the meantime, here’s a snippet from the book. I know it will encourage you.
Everyone Loves a Great Story
by Dave Beckwith
“Even when my teeth are gone, I’ll still love a good story.”
Jonah … a fascinating and intriguing story. One of the best you’ll ever read. A run-away-preacher, scared-out-of-their-wits sailors, a hurricane-like storm, a fish-eats-man drama, a bleached prophet, and terrified terrorists. Further, it’s true—all of it.
Jonah is not your run-of-the-mill prophet. He’s different. Defiant. A rebel. Hard-headed and stubborn. Most prophets ran to God. Jonah ran from God. The prophets proclaimed their message. Jonah proclaimed his woes. Jonah’s message was eight words, “‘Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown’” (Jonah 3:4). Lousy sermon from my perspective—no introduction, no outline, no humor, no hope, and a total downer.
Most of the prophets suffered horrific persecution. They were mocked, stoned, imprisoned, and beaten. Not Jonah. His only suffering was self-inflicted. Most of the prophets predicted the future with glimpses of hope. Jonah fumed about the future—angry there was hope. Jonah was the only prophet sent to preach in a foreign land … and the only one to run the opposite direction to a different foreign land.
Jonah had more visible results than all the other prophets combined—and he deserved his success the least.
God’s patience with Jonah stretches the meaning of the word.
The glowing grandeur of the book is God’s compassion for the undeserving—Jonah, the sailors, and the terrorists in Nineveh. Above all the miracles and spectacular twists of events, nothing is of greater significance than God’s love for a wicked-to-the-core people. The message of the book crashes through all the barriers of nationalism and racial hatred. People of other cultures, languages, and colors of skin matter to God.
The message of the book captures the why for going to the ends of the earth with the good news that God loves and is willing to save the most lost person on the planet.
Thank you, Dave, for sharing that important message. Now, here’s a description of the book:
In this age of rage, racism, and prejudice, hatred flourishes. Many pat themselves on the back for being a loving person while they despise the person who mows their lawn … or their co-worker … or the person in the other political party … or obnoxious Uncle Charlie. Saying you love all the people in Africa and Asia is fairly easy but quite a different matter when they move into the neighborhood. We all have someone who gets under our skin, drives us batty, or strikes fear in our heart at the thought of seeing them. The true test of Christianity is how we treat the person who is difficult to love. It is time to “Love the World and the People We Can’t Stand.”
PLUS…The latest research on the fish or whale that may have swallowed Jonah from Marine Biologists Wayne and Karen Brown and the Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau.
Doesn’t that sound fascinating? To win this book, make a comment on my blog. The drawing closes on Monday evening, September 9th, 2019. US addresses only can win. UPDATE: CONGRATULATIONS TO DEB! Deb, you have won the drawing. I’ll put you in touch with Dave. Thanks again for entering!
Dave Beckwith serves as Western US Regional Diretor for Standing Stone Ministry, caring for pastors and leading week-long retreats for pastoral couples. Davie is senior pastor emeritus for Woodbridge church in Irvine, California where he served as senior pastor for nearly 20 years. He is the author of Your Winning Edge: God’s Power Perfected in Weakness.
You may contact him for speaking, consulting, or leader care at: Standing Stone Ministry
270 Baker Street East, Suite 100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
[email protected] www.standingstoneministry.org or www.pastorbiker.com
https://www.facebook.com/dave2joanne https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-joanne-beckwith
O my, Kathy, this is so true. I have been thinking about this a lot lately, since hearing a message on leaving a legacy. As someone once said, “It’s the people, the people, the people.”
Jesus tells us there are two commandments:
Love God
Love people
And We need His help to do both.
Amen on that, Jeanne. I’m tempted to value my desk and writing more than people. So I can relate to Jonah. Things are easier to manage than people. I’m so glad you’ve entered the drawing.
Thank you for the review, this looks like a nice read.
Thank you, Christina,for stopping by and entering the drawing. I know this new book will be appreciated by many.
With what I’m going through, Kathy, I look at people and say, “Bah!” I just want us all to get our stuff together and play nice. Yes, I love the “world” but people…not so much. A real challenge this will be for me, as I walk life alone now and NEED people. I guess God is talking to me again this morning…!
I can sure understand that, Deb. You are in a very very difficult place and knowing how I’ve failed people in difficult places, we each need the Spirit’s power to love others well. I’m so proud of you for recognizing God’s invitation to what most of us what to avoid: needing fallible and hurting people. I have to remind myself they can be God’s emissaries of help and hope and love even if he or she can’t compare to God. Thank you for sharing your heart and I’ve entered you into the drawing.We are all praying for you in your widowhood.
Thank you, my friend. Just had the memorial service on Saturday, now everyone is gone. Very quiet. But I can sure hear the Lord loudly! 🙂 XO
Oh my, Deb, I can’t imagine going through that. I love your perspective though. Thank you for being an example for all of us.
Congratulations, Deb! You have won the drawing for “I Love the World–It’s the People I can’t Stand” written by Dave Beckwith. I trust this is an encouragement to you. I will put you in touch with Dave to receive your book.
Book sounds good. Thanks for the chance.
Rhonda, so glad you stopped by! It is indeed a wonderful book. I’ve put your name into the drawing.
I look forward to reading the book. I have always been fascinated about Jonah’s story. God still used him, even though he had run from God.
Hi Dianne, I know you’ll enjoy Dave’s book whether you win it or buy it. I agree, the story of Jonah is a fascinating one. Thanks for taking the time to comment. You are in the drawing.
I would really want to know how to treat the person who is difficult to love. The book is quite timely.
Thank you, Meghan (Mary) for commenting because we all need to learn to treat lovingly even those who are difficult to love. So thank you for pointing that out. I’ve put you into the drawing.