Tuesday, January 4, 2022

I’m writing this the day before my surgeon appointment and I keep thinking of the song from the play/movie “Annie”: “Tomorrow.” “Tomorrow, tomorrow…you’re always a day away.”

Well, tomorrow will soon be “today” and I will see the surgeon. I’ve been mulling over my excitement about that appointment. It doesn’t seem right; it seems strange to be thinking, “I’m excited.” Yes, I’m nervous also. And it does help that my cancer (at this point in my understanding ) is treatable with a lumpectomy and radiation. My life is not in danger. I haven’t been given a death sentence. Of course, we all have a death sentence over our heads. It can’t be avoided. How appropriate that our pastor will soon begin a new sermon series on Ecclesiastes. Just read that biblical book and you’ll be convinced we all have a death sentence yet God offers joy in this life. (PS I don’t mean to belittle or disregard whatever horrible fear you are facing right now. My heart is with you.)

Pastor Alistair Begg, preaching on Ecclesiastes says, “The fear of God puts all the other fears in place.” And I would add, “puts them all in their rightful place…in subjection at the throne of God.”

But to come back to my point, I think I’ve identified my excitement about this appointment tomorrow which is my first with the surgeon. I’m anticipating my surgery will be scheduled.

With this expectation, I see tomorrow as the next step in this project.

I’m seeing this journey, from the viewpoint of a recovering perfectionist, as the next 1% step in accomplishing the goal of being cancer-free. Yes, be assured I’ve been praying and asking for instant healing (100%) all along. I’ve thought, “Wonder if the surgeon says, Ya know what? After reviewing all the test results, I don’t think you have cancer at all. So goodbye and have a great life.” I would love that. “God, you could do that.” So far that doesn’t seem to be the case. And I’m content.

So without hearing those words, I’m abiding in trusting that God is guiding and leading. From that abiding come peace and confidence. And yes, call me crazy, but even excitement.

Please pray for Larry and I as we see Dr. Kelly Carman tomorrow/Wednesday afternoon, 1pm (Mountain time) Jan. 5. That our ears will be able to hear clearly what is communicated to us and our minds will be enlightened by the Holy Spirit to know what we need to ask. Also, for the scheduling to be controlled by God’s sovereign, good plan.

Thank you so much! Knowing you care and are praying for all of this is comforting and I feel loved and cared for.